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The Saga of Jess’ $3k Vintage Toilet (+ Her Bathroom Design Plan!)

There are a few things I never thought I’d love and as the title suggests, that thing is a vintage toilet (and as you and I will come to find out…a VERY expensive one). When I toured my apartment for the first time this toilet was a PERK. The Grecian style pattern, the above-average seat height, the cute blue stamp on the inside of the bowl, what more could I have wanted?! This love affair continued for over two years until one day she wasn’t flushing well, the tank wasn’t filling properly, and now (after some temporary problem-solving) the eternal need to jiggle the handle. Look needing to jiggle a flush lever is not the end of the world, but as the building’s highly experienced plumber stated, this gal is on her last leg, and getting a new one sooner than later is advised. A new toilet? From this century?? DEVASTING NEWS as you can imagine. But look. I’m a reasonable woman who doesn’t want her toilet to crack open and flood her usually unflooded apartment. It’s just hard to say goodbye. So to ease my impending bathroom depression, I got to creating a design plan to make over the whole room. My thought was if I love everything else in this room maybe I’ll soon forget a piece of my heart is missing.

And don’t worry! I’ll show you the plan and walk you through a few other issues that need tending to because with the charm and beauty of a 100-year-old building comes really cool challenges. But first, let’s walk through what this bathroom looked like the first time I saw it…

Love At First Sight (My Initial Walkthrough)

The potential is almost too much to handle. The floor, while a bit dingy and cracked, is my favorite. The blue tile border that matched the toilet pattern is hysterical and incredible. The AC is a bummer, but it’s the only window in my apartment that can have a window unit. I also don’t understand all these towel bars since there are also three other hooks between the two doors. Two people can live in this apartment MAX. But removing both and replacing maybe one is super easy.

Here is a close-up of her! She’s not in perfect shape, but my god is she cool. I wish I could end here and this just be a show-and-tell but now I will show you the less-than-cool reality that my plumber pointed out to me…

The Current (Gross-Looking) Issues…You’ve Been Warned

The real issue is that crack in the back of the bowl. According to him, it’s not worth trying to fix given that in a few years we could have the same issue come back. The other photo is just a pic of the corrosion that’s forming on the tank pipe. That could be replaced I guess, but again, no real point.

After the plumber and I broke the news to my landlord (the sweetest and coolest woman in the world) she asked me to find one I liked knowing I love design and very much respect the history of this building (as she does). I asked what the budget was and she said not to worry about it. Dangerous words to a design-loving gal with tragically expensive taste. I was a little nervous since I’d never shopped for a toilet before, but I began my search. Naturally, I started with salvage yards, eBay, Etsy, etc. Then I saw it!

Ummm Excuse Me???

WHAT?! This is my exact toilet bowl!! While I wasn’t given a budget, I knew that $3,200 for only a bowl (aka no tank or pipes) was far too much. And I definitely needed a new tank too. But man, was it fun seeing what it was selling for!

I kept searching and came across this guy who restores and sells truly beautiful vintage toilets on eBay!

My First “Real Find”

I feel HARD for this one. Sure it was less ornate but it was from the same time period of the home and those curves were UNDENIBELE. I’m sure you are curious about the price…it was $2,100 but hear me out. This toilet is fully constructed (minus the seat) and has gone through a thorough series of tests to make sure it’s solid and functioning perfectly. I also contacted the seller and worked out a deal to give him my bowl and get $500 off the price of the new one. “But Jess, that other site said it was worth $3,200!” Correct. But remember mine is cracked and while I didn’t notice it until he pointed it out, the tank is clearly not original to the bowl. A bummer but $500 off was helpful!

Okay, so imagine me, PUMPED that I found a vintage toilet that runs like a new one and was now at a slight discount. While $1,600 is a lot for a toilet it’s not the most considering the market AND I was told not to worry about budget. Well, as you can imagine, that price was more than my landlord could (or more likely and understandably, wanted to) spend on a toilet…especially in a rental property regardless of its history.

Ok, The Real Replacement Options

After her very kind “it’s a no-go, Bunge” on the vintage one, she mentioned a couple of other affordable retailers to look at where the prices were closer to $300. Now, I say this with all the love in my heart… always give a budget! Had I known that likely $400/$500 was the max budget, my search would have looked muuuuuch different. Anyway, these are the two top contenders currently. Originally, I was leaning toward the one on the right because the details looked a bit more vintage and sweet. But then after reading a few reviews, it was mentioned that too many parts were made out of plastic which doesn’t give me confidence for longevity. So now, that simple but perfectly great one on the left is top billing. I really love the Kohler one Emily has but it’s too far out of budget, unfortunately. Any vintage-inspired budget-friendly suggestions (with personal experience) are very welcome! Nothing has been ordered yet.

Current Photos (Don’t Judge)

Now, before we move onto the other not-great issues, this is what this bathroom looks like now. It’s still very much in the “so much potential” stage.

Oh, There’s More…Shower Plumbing Issues (HELP!!)

Ah, the shower. In terms of functionality, it’s perfectly fine with zero complaints. Well, aside from needing that skinny section of shower curtain on the far side of the shower plumbing. But as you can see quite clearly, I am dealing with A LOT of corrosion. It’s pretty gross and according to my plumber also not really fixable… I guess I could have helped to maybe prevent some of it but I was never told I needed to do anything and as someone without any vintage plumbing knowledge that wasn’t something I knew to do.

Here’s a very beautiful, closer look at the irreversible damage to my pipes. COOL! And if all this wasn’t fun enough, I have NO IDEA where to get replacement plumbing because this particular type and configuration isn’t something that is widely sold. Is it even sold at all? It’s a mystery that if any of you have knowledge I would be SO so so so so grateful. I know some of you will say your landlord should be handling this but I want to help and honestly wouldn’t mind having a say in the design decisions. No, I do not have any control issues thank you very much:)

My main worry is that it’s a ticking time bomb for bursting pipes that are not easily replaceable. So if something starts leaking or worse, it’s not like my landlord can just order something for a next-day delivery or pickup. My biggest concern is that if a pipe bursts I might have to temporarily move out of my apartment and I DO NOT want to have to do that. PLEASE HELP!

This Vanity Needs A Facelift

This next issue is purely cosmetic so no need to panic. But if I’m going to design this bathroom and love it, I need to do something about this vanity. As you will see on my moodboard, I have this vanity as the dream option. But with the repairs needed, I don’t see a world in which my landlord will pay to replace a perfectly fine vanity for one that is simply prettier. So my current plan is to get it reglazed which I learned from Ajai is not too expensive and then replace the plumbing and front legs. Not exactly sure how I’m going to be that but I’m sure I can figure it out.

Reality Bites But At Least It’s Keeping Me Sort Of Cool

My love and my nemesis. As I already said, this is the only window that can hold an AC unit. Again, the charm of an old building has costs. I would like to make it clear that I am not the one responsible for this foam/masking tape situation but also haven’t been bothered yet to fix it. And while this AC works fairly well, there are newer and WAYYYY prettier options on the market that will make this necessary evil less evil-looking.

Currently, this July air conditioner is my top choice. It’s sleek, has a pretty cream color option for that front panel and it doesn’t make me sad when I look at it. Does anyone have this? Do you like it? Are there any other pretty options I should look at? This is turning into a “Please help me” post but I actually do need some real help if you can’t tell.

I Want A Custom DIY Makeup Vanity (Les Bunge Has Been Called)

I took this photo on Friday so it’s very current but far from how I want it to look. I borrowed this table from Emily when I was going to style a sponsored thing two years ago. It was for a styled Urban Outfitters entry vignette that ended up being something else. So since Emily was already in Portland, I asked if could use it temporarily for my bathroom. You actually might remember it as her mountain house quarantine desk. What a DIY that was. Anyway, it’s been useful but it’s clearly too long and too low for what I really want which is a makeup vanity. And no I don’t think I want the paint can look🙂 I really want something that’s wood but in a deeper and warmer tone so why not torture my father once again and have him help me build something “simple”? The 3-D wood panel below is the inspiration so stay tuned!

Just in case you were wondering, that towel bar is outta here and that Tushie bidet has never been connected to the water line. Whooops. Oh, and I found that trash bin at the Rose Bowl and I will never part with it. It’s one of my forever treasures:)

The Dream Design Plan

And here is the overall plan! I want to wallpaper at least the top half of my walls with that VERY cool sand-colored wallpaper. Oh, and if you are wondering what happened to my closet design, that is still in the works because honestly, this design will dictate that space since they are A. the first thing you see when you want in the front door and B. you can see then at the same time meaning they need to talk to each other nicely. NO FIGHTING in this house. So yes, the plan for the bathroom is to be mostly neutral (letting the floor tile shine) and really play with pattern and texture. I love my black toilet seat so that will go on the new toilet, as well as my vintage flush lever. Fingers crossed I can switch it out!

cool thumb dad.

If you are wondering what is on the far top left that is a new door!! Yes, my dad found the perfect-sized glass center door from an architectural salvage yard, Greenlynx in Santa Rosa, CA, where a VERY dear family friend of ours works. With her discount, it was $50!!! This door will replace the one that connects my closet to my bathroom. Why replace it? Well, I don’t love that a toilet (even a cool $3k one) is the first thing you see when you walk into my apartment. BUT, I don’t want to lose the only natural light that the closet and hallway get by closing the door that’s there. So getting this door means I can close it and potentially add a light filtering shade or (and ideally) somehow replace the plain glass with ribbed glass so it has a cool texture. I just don’t know how much that will cost…knowing me probably one million dollars. It’s a gift really.

Only Available Items Listed: Brass Vacant Engaged Lock | AC Unit | Wicker Pendant | Wallpaper | Brass Knob | Vanity | Soap Dispenser | Faucet | Switchplate Cover | Towels | Ceramic Vessel | Table Mirror | Stool | Black Toilet Seat | Toilet | Bath Mat

Now back to the design. I really wanted to use brass but the shower pipes are silver meaning it might be too imbalanced for everything to be brass except the shower. So, that’s why I chose a polished nickel vanity, faucet, and switchplate cover. Most everything that is more “permanent” goes with the shower and then the accessories (like my ridiculous $90 French soap dispenser) can be brass. I think choosing a warm-toned silver like polished nickel works nicely with a warm brass:)

Oh, and see that’s that wood piece I’m using as my vanity inpso and I am excited. For the lights, those are really there for the vibe I want rather than actual pieces I’ll use. First off, a bathroom needs good light for activities like doing your makeup. Neither of those lights will provide that but man are they sick. As for the checkered towels, I have wanted those from the moment I saw them. My hand-me-down sad, not soft dark gray ones need to go. Oh, and how fun is that bath mat! It might not be right but I really liked it on the board.

Ok, I think that’s it for now. I still have more design things to think about like paint? Ah! Maybe another post is coming your way. Until then truly any and all advice for my shower is VERY welcome. I feel pretty lost in the vintage plumbing game. Oh, and if we can all pour one out this month in honor of my toilet I would really appreciate it.

Love you, mean it.

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11 days ago

Ok not to send you down another rabbit hole Jess, but your architectural salvage place may have gorgeous vintage toilets for a very good price!

And, one other thing I’ll throw out there (I guess I’m the queen of rabbit holes today): your pipe corrosion may be a symptom of something going on with your water. If the apartment has other water issues (like it doesn’t taste good when you drink it), and if your landlord is open to it, it might be worth getting it tested and putting in a filter if needed, so that your gorgeous new pipes don’t end up with the same problems down the line.

Wishing you so much luck — this bathroom is going to be beautiful!

11 days ago
Reply to  SLG

Came here to say that corrosion prevention is definitely an owner responsibility, not a tenant. It likely means the Ph of your water system is a little acidic – not generally a problem for people health but does affect metal that no longer has a strong covering (chrome or polished brass are generally protectants not just pretty. The fix requires filtration system to correct the PH balance. I think there are some other services you can have a plumber do to prevent internal corrosion, but again not something I would expect a tenant to do as long term infrastructure should ultimately be the owner’s issue. Also wanted to share that plastic IS long lasting in plumbing as it doesn’t corrode. Re-sealing valves, if needed, is also an easy non-professional task or a low cost plumber chore. So if you don’t see it, it’s perfectly fine to use plastic plumbing parts as most new construction does. If you find a vintage toilet at the right price don’t say no because of plastic is my humble opinion.

11 days ago

Really excited to see how this turns out! You could try a privacy window film on the bathroom door. Way cheaper than replacing the glass. I installed some from this company in my bathroom a few years ago and it’s been great!

11 days ago
Reply to  Emily

Yes! We just put a receded glass version (just Target) in, and for like $10 and 15 minutes it genuinely looks like a million bucks

Mary Beth
11 days ago
Reply to  Emily

Great idea Emily. Jenna Sue used a similar product on a door in her home.

Erin Dae
11 days ago
Reply to  Emily

Yes, was going to say the same thing about the window film. Faux texture at a great price – there are some great options out there that mimic fluted glass. I love the moodboard overall Jess. Can’t wait to see it come together! Also, agree with SLG that you may have acidic water. Often when testing for water quality we focus on solids content and try to filter it out. But you can get an inexpensive pH testing kit at your local big box store and see what is going on to determine if you need some sort of treatment filter on the water inlet to bring the water to a more neutral pH.

11 days ago
Reply to  Emily

I had the same thought about the window film as a lot of other readers. After reading a post on this blog about how Emily covered the window panes in her former company office, I applied the film to my bedroom windows. At the time, I was living in the converted front bedroom on the first floor of an apartment building in NYC and the (very affordable) window covering made a huge difference in the room.

Cris S.
11 days ago
Reply to  Emily

I echo this – when we renovated we had a few leaded glass windows in diamond patterns added but couldn’t wait the time it would take for the door people to do the side window of the front door (nor afford it at that point). The imbalance bothered me for several years until I finally found some window film that echoed it exactly – if you look closely you can tell, but from the side walk / street it looks great and was very inexpensive.

11 days ago
Reply to  Emily

I just did this too! Not expensive and super easy / removable (and looks great!)

Rachel S
9 days ago
Reply to  Emily

I literally *just* ordered samples of privacy film (including reeded) like moments before reading this post, came here to suggest just that!

11 days ago

Halfway through I was already thinking “BRING. IN. LES.” Can’t wait to see what you all do 🙂

11 days ago

I got reeded glass film for my kitchen window because it overlooks a stairway – and it looks really good:

11 days ago

You can find a window cling that dupes reeded glass pretty well. Same look, but way less money and done in 15 minutes.

11 days ago

Highly, highly suggest a Midea A/C unit! Not only is it minimal, attractive, and quiet (so quiet)–it has a U-shaped design so that it blocks less light from the window it sits ib. I had a down payment on a July unit and asked for it back when they extended the shipping date so that I could buy the Midea at a comparable price. It connects to WiFi, and is controllable from an app on your phone, but also has a control panel that is user friendly. For reference, I live in a (very small) NYC apartment and the Midea lives in my bedroom, I have the 10,000 BTU model!

11 days ago
Reply to  rachel

I appreciate your comment. Looks like a great air co.

11 days ago
Reply to  rachel
Midea is the #1 AC unit pick at Wirecutter.

11 days ago

I had a July AC when I needed to have a window unit and really liked it. They offer plexiglass for the sides, which is really nice to keep the functionality of a window. Also can be controlled via app on your phone, which works great. I recommend it!

11 days ago

I’m fiddling with a 1919 bathroom sink with a larger-than-standard-bathroom-sink (and smaller than kitchen) drain. I asked Daniel Kanter for a parts source and he said DEA Bathroom Machineries And, if you don’t follow Daniel, you (all) should! He loves old toilets too, and can’t spend $3000 either.

11 days ago
Reply to  Ann

YES! I was scrolling through with my fingers crossed that @danielkanter’s name would appear. His knowledge and appreciation of good
vintage hoppers is a delightful thing.
Now if you could only get him and his partner to
to come work with Les, we would have a dream collaboration of IG legends that might tilt the world off its axis.

10 days ago
Reply to  Jess Bunge

It’s getting cold in upstate NY—you might be able to tempt them….😂

11 days ago

I’m curious – is the bathmat getting delivered from the UK?

11 days ago

Love the design!! It’ll be so fun to see the vintage worked in with new. I do have an inexpensive solution for your glass door: privacy film. I have used the plain frosted film from Lowe’s a number of times, and it’s very affordable (around $30 a roll, depending on the size), and installs super easily just by spraying windex onto the window and squeegeeing it in place. It has held up for me for years now, but since there’s no adhesive, it’s also fully removable. It’s a real life saver! There are lots of patterns, especially if you order online, and while some are sort of cheesy, the nice ones look genuinely fantastic. Hope that helps!

11 days ago

There is a massive warhouse near me that sells vintage toilets bathroom fixtures, etc. It’s called Zaborski Emporium. Not sure if they ship, but worth heking out.

11 days ago

We have had the same issues with our toilet and the internet tells me to consider getting a pressure-assisted toilet rather than the standard gravity toilet – something to consider (also would love feedback here if there are any folks with experience)!

11 days ago
Reply to  Sam

We have one in our rental property! It was installed by the previous owner and is a bit loud when it flushes. At one point it broke and the plumber rebuilt it (without asking and it cost almost $300 in labor so I maybe would have just replaced it).

The one downside is I often fix the regular toilet flappers but when I lift the lid on this one it’s so intensely complicated looking I just stick it back on. We have had it nine years and only had an issue that one time.

11 days ago

I may have missed it, but dying for the link to the swirled glass sconce!!

11 days ago
Reply to  A

Right! So beautiful. Assuming its a French flea find but someone should start making these again.

🥰 Rusty
11 days ago

IMO, there are some things worth fixing snd some things not.
Some chouces are around this are financially-based and others mean something may simply not be fixable.
1. The ‘corrosion’ on the top of the leg under the sink is chrome plating peeling off ….. you can have things re-chromed ….. FIXABLE
2. Instead of replacing the glass in the door, buy some etching fluid, serious gloves and cotton rags/wadding and dab it on according to instructions, to make the glass ‘frosted’ ….. FIXABLE
3. That new toilet on the left is fine with the little retro flusher handle, while the old toilet is …. UNFIXABLE
4. I’ve long wondered why FTLOG you haven’t bought a free-standing airconditioner for any room you like (hello nice cool bedroom!) ….. TOTALLY FIXABLE
5. The rest is decorating …. FUN

I’ll be looking forward to seeing this reveal!🤗

PS: So glad you changed the comments set-up back. The other one was awful.

11 days ago
Reply to  🥰 Rusty

Love the idea of re-chroming the pipes, but you should ascertain if they are a good candidate first as chrome plating is not cheap. If it looks like this on the outside it could be worse on the inside and ultimately you don’t want to invest in chrome if the metal strength/integrity is too far gone. Likely this is why the plumber didn’t recommend it.

🥰 Rusty
10 days ago
Reply to  Jess Bunge

I get it!
Your ,iving room is stunnnnnning and that’d be a zit in it.👍

11 days ago

I love the floor tile! There is a guy who is the expert tile restorer on Insta @vintagetilepreservation he posts a lot of techniques to restore tile. Personally, I would restore the tile to keep the vintage look, but get a new toilet and new shower fixtures. Metal corrosion is not really repairable because it corrodes all the way through the pipes, not just the surface. Typical life cycle for this era of bathroom is 80 years. A good plumber can custom recreate what you’ve got going on there with some copper pipe and 90 degree fittings… or maybe do it a bit better by connecting directly to the existing floor mount system.
You can find really good ‘vintage look’ new toilets that also comply with California code for low-flow. Put a black seat on a round bowl, it will fit in with the vintage bath looks while being water wise and sanitary and be $300!

11 days ago

Whatever toilet you get, hook up that Tushie! It’s life changing 🙂

11 days ago

Here’s the Young House Love favourite toilet which looks like it would fit the bill for style & budget (please note their comments about the seat) :
Your bath/shower pipes definitely need to be replaced asap. I’d be looking for a plumber who is experienced with restoration for older buildings. Or it would be very cool to do a consultation with Daniel Kanter who spends a lot of time thinking about/dealing with vintage plumbing. The sink already looks supiciouisly like it’s had something done to it that didn’t hold up well, but adding some white caulking around it would certainly help freshen things up. As would a fresh coat of paint everywhere you’re not going to wallpaper. She’s gonna be cute!!

11 days ago
Reply to  Jessica

Agree about the Kohler Memoirs toilets (two versions: Classic and Stately). Another one to check is Kohler Tresham which would look great in this bathroom. Look for the 2 piece versions which are much cheaper than the one piece versions. HD and Lowes used to sell “Complete Solutions” versions of these toilets which included everything including the seat for about $400 a few years back. No doubt that’s gone up, but there are promos including Kohler’s website which could probably get down to around $500.

11 days ago

Pasadena Architectural Salvage has your exact sink leg set for $50 and they may have parts or recommendations for your shower. They can also give you a quote for the reeded glass on the door, they work with a glass fabricator across the street. It’s worth going to their store because they really know vintage and they have a much larger inventory than what is shown on their website. I’m not associated with them, I just went there for the first time a few weeks ago and was impressed with their inventory and knowledge.

11 days ago

I can’t believe I am even writing this, but I had a similar situation with a toilet bowl to which I couldn’t say goodbuy. As opposed to your vintage girl, mine was from the late 90s, when minimalism was at its peak, and it had the clear lines of an oval cylinder, so abstract and perfect. It also had an electric flush, which was powerful but also the reason for its demise. Twenty years later, they stopped making replacement parts, so the flush stopped working with no alternatives around. I held on to it for a couple of months, with buckets of water (!) until a bout of… you know what made me face the hard reality. I told the plumber to take it off and I couldn’t even bear to watch him carry it out of the house. The necessarily quick replacement is efficient but uninspiring. We need an online toilet dating app.

11 days ago

help! That wall paper is perrrrfect for my slowly updating Japanese influenced boys bathroom and the link isn’t working for me! Can you double check or provide a more direct address to the source?

11 days ago

Hi Jess, just jumping in to say to check out your local ReStore for vintage toilets, sink parts, etc. Where I live, the Salvage Barn is right next to the ReStore so you can find all of your vintage scores in one trip. But other salvage places may have perfectly good toilets that people just trashed to get something newer – rather than because it was no longer useful. Good luck!

11 days ago

to Jess’s toilet! and the future that holds her dad-built bathroom vanity! *clink*

11 days ago

The wicker pendant link is linking to the vacancy lock. Love the look of that pendant – would like to get the deets.
The bathroom is going to be so cute – I keep thinking how lucky your landlady is to have scored you (and kinda Les) as a tenant.

11 days ago

I’m finding brass fixtures are looking played out to my eyes, so I think it’s great you’re not doing “mixed metals” here. Too bad that twin vintage toilet was so expensive!

11 days ago

My July experience– We were on the pre-order list when they launched back in the day because we needed A/c in our West facing bedroom and I wanted something that looked nicer than your standard window a/c. It took way too long to arrive thanks to them being slammed with pre-orders. I appreciate the more minimal design, but honestly, it’s still an ugly box in the window. It doesn’t fit quite flush with our window frame, so my husband had to build a flat wood frame for it to sit on. And we’ve had to do a little taping around the edges to keep bugs from getting in through the small cracks around the panels since nothing fits quite perfectly– though we have another small a/c for our second bedroom and have to do the same thing in there, so not sure there’s any way around that really for any window a/c units. So it felt like a lot of retro fitting for the $$. The biggest drawbacks for me to the July are– A. It is LOUD. And if we have it on the Eco setting, so that it only cycles on when it needs to, it wakes me… Read more »

11 days ago

Jess, I feel you about losing the vintage components of the bath. In our case we started by using a CLR to dissolve rust and deposits on metal and porcelain components to get a better idea of what was salvageable and what was actually corroded. Surprising once we got all the gunk off we found it was not as bad as we thought. Then we treated with a sealer to prevent the buildup. Of course I don’t know how bad yours is, but it might be worth a try. I can’t wait to see what you do with it!

11 days ago

Hi! I love these more design and renovate posts! That is a great product you used to cover the AC. At the same time I like to put the AC units in the top of a hanging window with brackets so less visible. With the remote in the sill and yes for changing filters I get on a stool and worth it to get AC out of eye line.
I love and adore these old fixtures too, especially earthenware tubs, it looks like you have yourself a good filled tub. Great so many of these toilets, vanities and tubs survived, hence the prices.
love it and look forward to the updates.
‘thanks so much

11 days ago

What a gem of a bathroom! They really knew how to do it in the early 1900s. One comment: I’d be wary to reglaze your sink. After reglazing dozens of sinks + tubs over the years, I’ve come to make peace with the “slightly dingy, 100-year-old look.” Even a great professional reglazing job will only last 5-10 years, and then you need to redo it or get a new sink. Can’t wait to see how this comes together! Thanks for sharing it with us.

10 days ago

Jess! I must say, I am so excited to see your byline, and to hear your voice. Honestly? I love vintage things (including toilets), sure, but I was most excited just to see you back here! I want a post from Caitlin next. Miss y’all’s voices. A lot.

10 days ago

I’ve commented here before, but oh, my first suggested link is for …. a toilet? Well, we installed this one 3 years ago in our old house renovation and have had not issues. Good lines, tall seat, vintage line inspired, the seat attachment area is easy to flip up over the bolts for deeper cleaning. The handle design and direction is sweet. Oh, and it’s affordable. In fact, we purchased a second one in advance of even beginning the second bathroom when we saw it on sale.

10 days ago

they make a new toilet, called the Lydia (not on their website), but it’s much more vintage looking than anything i’ve ever seen!!! and no where near as much $$!!

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 2.36.40 PM.png
9 days ago

Still probably out of the landlord’s price range, but I recently put this one in my 97 year old home’s new bath and I think it’s just the cutest thing:

Monique Wright Interior Design
6 days ago


You should have Kohler sponsor a refresh of the bathroom. That way you can get the plumbing parts you like/need, and they can use the photos for promotion. In my experience, there are MANY people that live in older buildings that are dealing with this same issue – so it’s great PR for Kohler on what can be done.

The tile is amazing! A little scrubbing and repair and it will be good as new. Love the vanity idea to maximize space.

Ok so Kohler – where you at?! Or honestly, even Vintage Tub & Bath.