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Reveal: A Budget and Rental-Friendly Living and Dining Room (With 80% Thrifted Finds)

Oh, I do love a reveal day. My childhood love of show-and-tell has turned into a real career obsession. I am so excited to show you the living room we designed for the Invitation Homes Make It Home Show House in Atlanta. After yesterday’s messy design fail post today feels like waking up from an “I lost my wallet in the airport” anxiety nightmare, only to wake up and realize that everything is not only fine but we are really, really happy with it. It’s almost entirely locally shopped, 80% vintage, pretty budget friendly, and yet still cool and interesting.

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Large Black Vase | Round Mirror | Mobile via Antique Factory | Blush Table Lamp | Rattan-Wrapped Candleholder | Surf Shack Book | Stacked White Planter via Citizen Supply | Vintage Typewriter Table via Park West Vintage | Vintage Iron Coffee Table Base via Decades Antiques and Vintage | Vintage Lady Oil Painting via Highland Row Vintage | Ceiling Fan courtesy Schoolhouse

Since we didn’t have a homeowner, we got creative carte blanche. So to help us focus, we created a muse: someone whose style needs and wants we could channel. To make it easy, the EHD team—myself, Emily Bowser and Julie—volunteered to become the collective muse and designed it if we lived in Atlanta. When challenged with a budget, and only days of shopping locally, what would we buy for ourselves, our home? What would we put on the walls? What sofa would WE risk upholstering in JUST TWO DAYS??? We had SO much fun shopping for “ourselves,” and so it’s a real mix of styles, pieces and colors that, put together, we absolutely LOVE.

Alright. We like it. You get it.

Now, I’m going to walk you through what we did and what you guys can do whether you rent or own to turn your house into a home (which was the whole intention behind this show house…to create spaces that felt like “home” regardless of whether you’re a short-term or long-term renter, or even an owner).

First up…

The Color Palette:

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We added life to this white space with the blue and clay palette and a broken stripe rug we sourced through Lulu and Georgia.

For renters, most homes that you lease, you can paint if you paint it back to the original color (though be sure to double check with your landlord as some leases have STRICT no-paint policies) so while it’s okay to paint, if you are fine with white, then I say stick with it and add color through your furniture and decor. We chose this clay and blue/turquoise combo, of which we haven’t done before but we LOVE. If you aren’t into this color combo and wondering where to start, then choose something that you love (a color you are comfortable being around all the time) and google “color wheel.” You’ll want to pick a color on or near the opposite side of the wheel to balance (orange—or in our case, clay—is a direct complement to blue). Then you pepper those colors evenly around the room. A trick to make sure you don’t end up having a room that looks like a kindergarten is to vary the hues a little. We didn’t go straight orange and blue here, but instead used the two colors as a guideline and slid around the color spectrum a little within those two areas.

Personal Art is the Best:

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Vintage Sofa, Squiggle & Lady Print via Highland Row Vintage | Round Pillow | Green Lumbar Pillow | Striped Lumbar Cover | Clay Pillow | Pink Throw | Rug courtesy Lulu and Georgia | Blue Vase | Mint Side Table | Black Sconce | Vintage Magazine Holder Side Table via Park West Vintage | Wood Box & Floor Lamp via Decades Antiques and Vintage | Wall Display Box | White Frames | Black Float Frame

Art is probably the most difficult thing for people to commit to. There is a strange amount of pressure to have it represent us. While there are a lot of good online art options out there, too often we either don’t buy anything and the walls remain empty OR we buy something generic just to fill the walls.

We wanted to show people how they can create meaningful art by putting heirlooms, collectibles, or souvenirs into ready-made frames. If it’s two dimensional (paper) and special to you, MAKE IT ART.

Emily Henderson Invitiation Home Show House Gallery Wall Detail

We did vintage postcards (maybe your grandma is a hoarder?), vintage matchbooks (such a fun thing to start collecting on trips) or even records that mean a lot to you (assuming you don’t want to play them). It could be old love letters, a cocktail napkin from the night you were engaged, as well as Polaroids, photo strips, etc. The point is ANYTHING that is two-dimensional can be framed as art. Sure, you want to think about the color palette and whether you like it visually, but if you collect and search long enough, you can put together a gallery wall with anything you have. Remember that you don’t have to frame EVERYTHING. Just narrow down what works well together in any given space (and know that you can always use other framed mementos in other spaces).

HOT TIP: If you want a piece to take up more space, think about putting a small matchbook or Polaroid in a really large frame with a big mat. It’s a modern cool way to frame that gives it more importance.

HOT TIP #2: Putting three-dimensional items in Lucite or display boxes (we got the one above at IKEA) like we did with that vintage squiggle sculpture. This could be a pretty rock, feathers collected by kids, or a vintage button collection.

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Since we didn’t actually collect these over time, we shopped beforehand on Etsy and then scoured the antique stores in Atlanta (most of this came from Highland Row Vintage). These do NOT have to be hallway art or relegated to a den. Mix them in with a couple of larger pieces (like that vintage painting we found) and it really looks like a curated collection.

Thrift Hard:

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Vintage Leather Safari Chair via Decades Antiques and Vintage | Blue Side Table | Vintage Bookshelf and Vintage Wood Coasters via Highland Row Vintage | Round Stoneware Tray | Mint Vase | Bookends (via West Elm, not available online)

This is where you put on your “how can I make this random thrifted stuff cool” brain. We wanted to see what we could do with the time and budget limitations so thrifting and vintage shopping was crucial and we DID. We found the arched shelf at Highland Row Vintage ($95 + spray paint), the circus-elephant-drum-turned-coffee-table at Decades Antiques and Vintage ($165 + glass), black window bench at Decades Antiques and Vintage ($130), and two other side tables (the magazine table by the sofa was $27, the vintage typewriter table to the right of the fireplace was $115) all that same week as the install and upgraded with basic ideas (like spray paint and surfaces where necessary—i.e. the glass on the now coffee table).

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Orange Abstract Print (via IKEA, not available online) | Vintage Picasso Poster via Highland Row Vintage | Vintage Black Bench via Kudzu | Curtains | White Ceramic Planter | Gray Planter | Plants via Citizen Supply | Mostly Plants Book | Terrain Book | New Kitchen Basics Book | Standing Mobile via Antique Factory

HOT TIP #3: Lean art in front of a window if it’s not giant and therefore doesn’t block too much light. It’s okay. Breaking the rules is fun. (If you plan on drawing the drapes, it’ll be a nightly annoyance, FYI, so think through how you plan on using the space before trying it…regardless, it’s just leaned art. No holes were made that need to be filled…just play around. The design police aren’t going to come knocking if it doesn’t work.)

Reupholster Risky (But Cool) Vintage Pieces:

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Vintage Chairs via Highland Row Vintage | Side Table | White Planter via Citizen Supply | Birch Frame | Black and White Print (via IKEA, not available online)

We found these chairs for $325 for the set of two at Highland Row Vintage and reupholstered them for $800 (this was a RUSH job, so unless you need chairs in two days like we did, it should be far less) in a fabric that cost about $200 (we needed 12 yards). Altogether, the cost was just over $1,300 which, no is not CHEAP, but without the rush on the upholstery, would be a good price for totally unique chairs. (Also, for anyone local who is looking for an upholsterer, we used Antonio from 23 Upholstery; he doesn’t have a website but you can reach him at 678.993.6711.)


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This beauty was found last minute at Highland Row Vintage and cost $650 in its original condition (we posted pictures of the before in yesterday’s intro post). Add the fabric (which had to be sourced from three different Joann’s because…#lastminute) for $500 and the RUSH upholstery cost of $850 and it equals = $2,000 (probably a few hundred less without the last-minute request for reupholstery). It’s definitely more than a major retailer but it’s way less than most vintage sofas on the market. While I think it’s amazing, the one thing I would change is to have the seat cushion innards be feather-wrapped foam, not just the stiff foam because it’s SO BOUNCY. My kids want a trampoline. This is probably not what they meant.

Do I want that sofa for the mountain house loft space? YES. I love it so very very very much. It has the exact level of uniqueness, simple lines and whimsy that makes my organs have a happy panic attack. This was a “HECK YES” since the first photo my team texted me earlier that week.

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Repeat Design Elements—Over & Over:

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Here’s what we repeated: Thin black metal (via the coffee table base, the bench, the lamps, the mirror, the vintage bookcase, vintage mobile). Warm wood and leather (vintage safari chair, objects, side table). Circles. Teal, terra cotta and even hits of yellow. Repeat themes and elements in different ways to make a space feel unique but cohesive. I suppose this is the recipe for the “effortless” look that we all want, but that is far from effortless. This is also how a room will look and feel balanced, cohesive and yet eclectic and unique. (FYI, that fan was courtesy of Schoolhouse and in a white, it doesn’t stand out too much; rather it blends into the ceiling but when your eye catches it, it’s at least cool and modern.)

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Vintage Leather Safari Chair and Large-Scale Abstract Painting via Decades Antiques and Vintage | Clip Light via Antique Factory | Faux Suede Blue Box | Mixed Marble Round Box | Marble and Copper Dip Bowl | Misc. Wood Objects via Vintage Shops.

The space was shared with the dining nook so we dressed that out, too, working in the same theme and color scheme.

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Chairs via Craigslist (similar via Etsy) | Table | Counter Stools courtesy Industry West | Curtain Rod | Curtains | Pendant | Vintage Tea Set via Park West Vintage | Black Vase | Faux Suede Tray

We found the dining chairs on Craigslist for $350 and paired it with the IKEA pedestal table. To repeat that teal from the living room, those awesome Industry West caned stools break up the neutrals over here. Of course, what makes that shot is the almost unthinkably small vintage black and white tea set that we picked up at Park West Vintage in Marietta.

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As you can see, the same elements are repeated there—wood, black, white, and a combo of classic/streamlined and sculptural/vintage.

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This job was incredibly fun. So stimulating. Challenging in the ways where you feel like you stretched as a person. I’m so proud of myself and my team (Emily B., Julie and Grace, who isn’t pictured here) for flying across the country, design blind, into a major deadline, full of fun, panic and ultimately style success.

Thank you Invitation Homes for being innovative and creative enough to come up with and seamlessly execute such a partnership. Being given creative freedom on all fronts makes this project so rewarding, for everyone involved. If you’re in the Atlanta area and want to see this room (and all the others, more info on that below), there’s a free open house tomorrow, Saturday, May 18 from 2 to 6 pm (register here) in Kennesaw. GO SEE IT. I won’t be there, as I’ve trekked back home, but you should still go if you can. 

Like I mentioned, there are other rooms in this Make It Home Show House designed by five other designers/bloggers that are also worth checking out. Here are all their Instagram accounts so you can follow along:

Again, thank you Invitation Homes (and some of the other brands who donated product like Industry West, Lulu and Georgia and Schoolhouse). If you’re in the market for a pet-friendly, high-quality, updated home to lease in desirable neighborhoods, head to their site to see all the 17 markets they are in (they are literally all across the US from Atlanta and Tampa and the Carolinas to Minneapolis, Seattle and SoCal with 80,000+ properties). It’s a very cool concept, particularly as it seems to get harder and harder in some parts of the country to be a homeowner.

OH and if you’re not in Atlanta, you can always take a virtual tour of the home here and see more behind-the-scenes and exclusive footage from the show house on the Invitation Homes Instagram account.

***photography by Sara Ligorria-Tramp for EHD, art direction by me, design and styling assistance by Emily Bowser and Julie Rose


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94 thoughts on “Reveal: A Budget and Rental-Friendly Living and Dining Room (With 80% Thrifted Finds)

  1. That large scale vintage abstract behind the leather chair is the stuff my dreams are made of. Wow. Speechless. Now I’m going to be hunting for its twin for the rest of my life.

  2. i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this post! so much to look at all, and SO much vintage. i’m seriously so inspired by this! do posts like this all the time please! i love love love that reupholstered sofa. is that a sherpa fabric?

    also, what’s the source for the blue side table next to the leather safari chair?

    1. It’s called the “Floating Disks side table in Petrol Blue” from West Elm!

    2. Thank you! It IS sherpa! Both the blue side table and the light greenish one are from west elm. They are killing the accent table game right now!

  3. I always learn so much from these posts and today this line resonated: “We wanted to show people how they can create meaningful art by putting heirlooms, collectibles, or souvenirs into ready-made frames. If it’s two dimensional (paper) and special to you, MAKE IT ART.” Actually I’ve started doing that a bit already — for example, framing book-bag logos from some of my favorite independent bookstores I’ve visited. But I always was kind of embarrassed about it. Like it wasn’t “real” art. So I guess it is! Such smart, encouraging advice. Thanks.

    1. thank you! Art is SO HARD but all of a sudden if you just think of it as 2-dimensional meaningful ANYTHING then its not anymore. I hoard every single meaningful thing from my kids (even the tic tac toe game I played with Charlie yesterday or his origami cat that he made at school) because while not everything will work so many things can.

      1. I found a great vintage Mighty Mouse matchbook at The Mart in Venice and put it in a chunky framed shadow box. Love it.

        Actually art has never been hard for me. I have TOO much art and have to rotate or donate. Even in high school I had “art” covering my walls.

  4. I love the merchandise, want to purchase the blue chairs and a side table. Love the design

  5. Such a great reveal, I love how you break down art/framing lessons – would be so cool if all across the US everyones walls got a little more interesting and personal – i love the matchbook idea!

    1. I’m going to have to give a shout out to Erik on this one! He said he once saw a teeny matchbook framed in a huge frame and I immediately searched etsy and found one really awesome oversized one from a bar in Georgia, SO FITTING! Then we bought a few more regular sized ones for $2/piece at Highland Row Antiques.

  6. Emily, it was wonderful to meet you and tour this house. I love that you really take it to heart that not everyone gets to renovate or change everything on a whim, but that everyone does deserve to live in a beautiful space they love! Looking forward to more reader events – and thank you for the bar stool advice!!!

  7. And thank you for listing all the sources so I can discover some new Atlanta haunts!

    1. I completely agree! As an Atlanta resident, I am looking forward to having a few new shops to go treasure hunting! I wrote down the stores that you sourced: Highland Row (one of my favorites!), Park West Vintage, Decades Antiques and Village, and Antique Factory. Are there any others that your team thinks are worth visiting? I hope your team enjoyed Atlanta!

  8. This is one of my favourite EHD designs in a while. I think because it’s an expansion on your usual palette, and also because it’s less formally styled (although I personally don’t get this American preference for messy throws under cushions). Please do more “it’s not all blue and brass” in future!

  9. Amazing find with that sofa. While more expensive than what you would find at a west Elm or CB2, it’s so unique. I must admit that I wasn’t a fan of the homemade sofa design or fabric – it looked very uncomfortable and a bit too loud for that room. I think I’m the end, you ended up with a much better room because of that “mistake”. I’m also a huge fan of the bench under the window. Great job, ladies.

    1. Thanks!! I think it possibly could have been closer to the price of a CB2 or West Elm if we didn’t have to pay for the upholstery to be rushed. Probably would have ended up being closer to the $1300-$1500 range.

  10. Wow—I love it so much! You guys did an amazing job. So much character in this room—everywhere you look is something interesting. But it all goes together seamlessly. This might honestly be one of my favorite rooms that you’ve designed!

  11. You guys rocked this!
    Talk about being in the zone and letting things happen.
    It gives such an unexpected freshness and life because it hasn’t been thought and designed out to infinity. Rather guided by strong gut instincts, thanks for sharing.
    Love it!

    1. Thank you! It’s really how we used to approach things, because as a stylist that is just what you do – you shop and buy awesome stuff and throw it in a room together. Now this can lead to wasting more money (because you need more oprtions) but I agree, sometimes the overplanning and designing a space down to the fork really isn’t the most creative approach. xx

  12. Way. Cool. Yes!

    BTW: That “tiny tea set” is a coffee set! Ha! Size of cups and shape of spout give it away. 🙂

  13. Love this room and the lessons for us all. I just need to find time and energy to tackle my living room because it’s 90% done, but lacks that 10% that would make it more “home” and cohesive.

    FYI, I believe that is an espresso set, not a tea set. That’s why it’s so small 🙂

  14. Just out of curiosity, what would you say the room cost to put together? I see you got some “donations” and if you could separate them it would be helpful. just looking for a range $ here….

    1. I am curious as well! This is pitched as an affordable/rental design room…but I would love to know what “affordable” means here.

    2. Curious about this too. Just the items with prices listed come to over $4000… Which makes me suspect that this room comes in right in the middle of “for rich people only” and my definition of “budget”. But I’m pretty dang cheap! 😉

      1. Hi Briana,
        I hear what you are saying.
        If you want to smile I think the “for rich people only” is actually a higher benchmark. I know crazy and still look up pieces like Jean Royere Polar sofa, if you can get one (Seriously high demand) I haven’t seen under $100,000 and more like $400,000. And that is for 1 piece. That is a sofa most similar to Emily’s.
        Emily really is doing a rock star job getting really well made to last large sofa’s that look like that under $2000
        Don’t forget that $4000 plus is also for living and dining room. I have seen $60,000 (and way more) rooms that don’t look nearly that good.

  15. I absolutely adore this space! You all had a major challenge sourcing second hand and vintage items, and making it work together in a short time. Bravo!

  16. You all really hit it out of the park, as always!! Gorgeous end result! Thank you for producing such beautiful spaces for us to adore.

    Quick question: could you do a post someday on your decision making process for reupholstering? Like how you decide what fabric to reupholster in, how to know how much fabric you need, how you find a trusted reupholster-er? I’m always so impressed with how you transform pieces, but feel really unequipped to make those decisions. Thank you!!

  17. So sorry to comment on this post about a past one, but the comments were already closed on your how to dIY transform the $20 wood/canvas chair. I, like some of the later comments, wondered just how you cleaned the canvas? Loved the outcome and super appreciated the advice on how to stain the wood, but also need the info on the canvas update 🙂

    1. I washed it in my washing machine on cold and lay flat to dry. Haha very technical!

  18. This is the kind of content I visit this blog for! Thanks for sharing the process and the products ?

  19. I cannot believe what you accomplished in such a short time period! The room is spectacular. The splashes of orange & rust are so outside of your usual wheel house. (& mine), but I love them!

  20. Such wonderful ideas! Two things: (1) ‘Would love to know the source of the tan slingback shoes! Are they from Nisolo? (2) Inspired by EHD’s Fig House project, I found a vintage sofa for $100 at Restore and had it recovered. It is 9 feet long with the button detail on the arms and back and was in its original floral silk damask with skirted base (whoa, 60s calling!). We chose a teal fabric very similar to the color of the chairs in this post. The upholsterer said it had been a long time since they’d seen such a quality piece. It turned out beautifully and is truly the most comfortable and coveted seat in the house. It took a little inspiration and design nudging from EHD but it was so worth it! With the all-in cost (about $1400) it was similar in price to our Crate & Barrel sofa we bought around the same time but has held up much more beautifully. For those who are hesitant, take the plunge with vintage and reupholster! I would jump on the sofa in the post in a heartbeat!

    1. They are from Madewell a couple seasons ago. I don’t think they carry them anymore 🙁 I bought them and then bought an exact second pair when they went on sale because I knew I would want them forever.

      Yay for taking risks! Also you help the environment so much by just fixing/taking care of what is already made!

  21. I’m in love with the entire space. Its so very pretty for a rental home. Its goes to show with a little bit of planning and paint you can transform a rental into something special. I plan to visit the show home this weekend.

  22. amazing room and design, I wasn’t sure about the sofa, but it turned out great. Love this post, it has a lot of advice, is very generous of you sharing your knowledge

      1. I’m curious myself! Pretty affordable I think if you don’t have to pay for our time and travel 🙂 If I have time in the near future I will try to estimate!

  23. Love this room so much! Congratulations!!! Please what color white is on the walls?

    1. It is Polar Bear by Behr. I can personally attest to this color as I have it throughout most of my own house, including the exterior! It’s a great creamy white that isn’t too cool or warm. Of course, pictures are different from real life and light matters a lot with whites (and all colors really) so you should test them in your space. I get pretty great light all day because my house is basically a square with windows on every side and sits reasonably high.

  24. how would you describe that blue vase beside the sofa – i looooove it!! (and this post) was it a vintage find?

  25. I LOVE posts like this – thank you for walking us through your decisions and processes. Your tips on choosing colors and repeating design elements are so, so helpful and immediately useful and inspiring.

    Also, you hit the nail on the head when you say “Art is probably the most difficult thing for people to commit to. There is a strange amount of pressure to have it represent us.” I’m guilty of so many blank walls for these very reasons. I have been wanting to curate a gallery wall for years, but don’t want to just buy art for the sake of filling spaces.

    That said, you’ve inspired me to spend the weekend digging through my closet to find the very first love note my husband (of nearly 15 years!) sent me when we were only 15 and 16 years old – I think framing it would make a really cool anniversary gift for my husband and I love the idea of turning this piece of our story into a piece of our home. I think our kids will get a kick out of it too 🙂

  26. Wow. You guys killed it, in a good way. Unique and quirky in a beautiful way. You must grab that sofa for the mountain House. It’s perfect.

  27. Hi, looking at those nice pictures, I couldn’t help but wonder if people seating ond the sofa and on the armchairs (both blue and leather) could actually be able to chat. Wouldn’t they be too far away? Or is it just an effect I get from the photos? I am asking because it is a problem I am facing with the layout pf my own living room. Thank you!

    1. No, in the space it feels very conversational actually. Originally we had the blue chairs over in front of the window and that felt too far from the couch, but then we added the leather and moved the chairs and it helped round it out a lot.

      1. The wrought iron shelf is identiccal to a pair my husband I bought in 1970. Stillhave them, and I love them.


    2. I agree. While I like a lot of the elements in this room, everything feels very far away from each other. Except for that dining set which is way too close to those stools. It seems like it was put together without imagining people actually interacting with and in the space.

      1. I promise in person it was very comfortable. We all sat around chatting and the flow was good, especially considering the door to the patio opens right up into this space.

  28. LOVE! Cannot imagine it at all with the other couch. This huge couch is AMAZING and very much reminds me of Nate and Jeremiah Berkus’ recent sofa line! Well done!

  29. I love the painting of the sitting lady above the couch!!!!! Any chance you want to resell it…….?

    1. HA GET IN LINE. Kidding, we all want that in the office! Well, we want all the vintage art.

  30. Cannot express how much I LOOOOOVE that sofa! If it was possible to marry a piece of furniture I would bend the knee for that sofa! It makes me want to buy it and hoard it and build a house around it. Emily if you don’t keep it for the mountain house you’re crazy, and also, you should sell it to me instead.

  31. Mostly, I like it. I like the color palette.

    Not crazy about the white frames on most of the art. It makes the gallery wall so floaty and amorphous. Also, don’t like the white painted fireplace (I HATE white painted brick) against the white walls. I feel like I’d need my sunglasses inside the house.

    Love the new chairs and the awesome little table between them. Like the leather chair and the oil portrait on the wall next to the fireplace.

    No to Thonet chairs. They’re so uncomfortable. I have one, but I use it as a table, not a chair.

    REALLY like the floor lamp next to the sofa. And for an emergency, the sofa turned out great!

  32. The room is beautiful, but where are the TVs? I don’t know of anyone who has a living room without a TV. I recently moved and my TV cannot be hung on the wall. Sad, but true. Need to see more design spaces with TV’s incorporated for today’s living.

    1. That’s funny Kim because I was looking at the photos thinking – oh, good they realized that many folks don’t have TVs anymore! All our younger friends seem to just watch on their laptops and phones. We have a TV but it is in the family room. When we have friends over the adults get the living room and the kiddos hang in the family room with all the toys and the TV.

  33. Great job. Thanks for breaking out costs. The reupholster cost is actually pretty reasonable compared to Portland. Love the styling on the wall and the window display bench

  34. I am in Atlanta and wondering what will happen to all these amazing finds after the show home period. I’d love to snag some if possible!!

  35. Beautiful room! As an upholsterer in the south I would say those are normal upholstery costs not rush costs. Just don’t want readers to have unfair expectations. Great job on the room though!

  36. So much to love about this room! That sofa! However, I would not consider $2000 ‘budget-friendly,’ at least not for most people. However, it is a great space to get some inspiration from.

  37. Such a great post with so much inspiration! Love that you were so creative with the wonderful thrifted finds. Bravo and thank you!

  38. That room is fantastic!
    I was a little concerned after yesterday’s post, but so happy to hear about a fail and therefore an even better solution!
    The stuff dreams are made of…
    Major brownie points for the team!
    Well done you guys!!!

  39. I generally gain such a great amount from these posts and today this line resounded: “We needed to demonstrate individuals how they can make significant workmanship by putting treasures, collectibles, or trinkets into instant edges.

  40. The room is lovely. And you are right, the sofa is gorgeous. It would be fabulous in a jewel tones velvet too.
    When I saw the first photo I thought wow, Emily has done a room with no blue. But, no, it was there, just not in that shot.

  41. It’s all beautiful but I’m obsessed with the bookcase. Been looking online and all over LA for something, I just didn’t know what. Until now!!! Need the bookcase!!??

  42. That couch!!!!! Amazing. Would you mind sharing the info? I went to our local Joann’s, they didn’t carry in store and I’m nervous to pull the trigger online b/c it’s hard to get a feel for what the boulce fabric truly looks like from their pictures. Hoping to use this on some chairs I found 2nd hand!

  43. Love the vintage in color combination. Just wondering about the spacing of the chairs so far away from the sofa and each other. It seems like this would make for very difficult conversations? Or was this done because it’s a show house not for real people?

  44. This is gold!! How you incorporated all the vintage is SO INSPIRING! I’ll always love more content like this 🙂

  45. A couple days late, but just wanted to let you guys know that I loved this post. The room is light and airy, but also playful and funky & I dig it. The couch and gallery are SO GOOD. Thanks for doing a room with so much vintage/ thrifted stuff. It’s so refreshing. I’d love “making of” posts too where you go over what pieces looked like when you bought them, how you altered them (paint/ fabric/ etc), and why you decided to take them in that direction.

Comments are closed.